云南油辣子Yunnan chilli
辣妹子秀花专程带来了云南辣椒粉,即刻展示油辣子做法,辣香味十足。 Rose's hometown specialty now comes to my kitchen. She adds up one more recipe on my homemade list. Umi is very excited to learn as she is also crazy for chilli.
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- 加工:20分钟
- 额外:1 小时 10 分钟
- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
辣椒磨成极幼嫩粉状;Grate the chilli to very fine powder. - 第二步:
花椒闻起来香,吃起来麻;The taste of peppercorn is really special. - 第三步:
盐和辣椒粉及花椒混合后,蒜蓉要舖在最上面(用大碗比较安全);Mix chilli powder, peppercorn and salt, with garlic on top (better with a bigger bowl). - 第四步:
菜油热至木筷子起小泡便直接倒进装辣椒粉的大碗;Heat up the vegetable oil, pour it into the bowl with chilli mixture. - 第五步:
热油立刻滚烫至产生很多热气泡(小心!);Caution! The hot oil will create a lot of bubbles. - 第六步:
用铁筷子拌匀,待凉;Stir and well combine with a pair of metal chopsticks, set it aside and let cool. - 第七步:
装进玻璃罐;Pour it into a glass jar after cooling. - 第八步:
作凉拌佐料最佳。Serve with cold dish. - 第九步:
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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