香草冰激凌里原来没有香草?很多人一辈子都没吃过真的!香草的甜香,绵密的口感,入口即化,唇齿留香。 不需要冰淇淋机,也能做出好吃的香草冰淇淋。
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- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
香草豆荚用刀子划开,将香草籽刮出。 Slice the vanilla pods open with a knife and scrape out the vanilla seeds. - 第二步:
牛奶及香草籽、香草荚放入锅中,加热至快要沸腾。 Put the milk, vanilla seeds and vanilla pods in a pot and heat until almost boiling. - 第三步:
蛋黄4颗跟140g细砂糖倒入碗中,打发至今近乳白色。 Pour 4 egg yolks and 140g of caster sugar into a bowl and beat until almost milky white. - 第四步:
将香草牛奶少量逐次加入蛋黄液中(一次全部加入的话,蛋黄会结块、变硬喔) Add a small amount of milk to the egg yolk one by one (if you add all at once, the egg yolk will clump and harden) - 第五步:
混合好的牛奶蛋黄液倒回锅中,开小火加热,用刮刀从底部翻起搅拌。 Return the mixed milk and egg yolk mixture to the pot, heat on low heat, and stir from the bottom with a spatula. - 第六步:
牛奶蛋黄液加热至举起刮刀,用手可在刮刀上划出一道明显的线。 Heat the milk yolk mixture until the spatula is raised and a distinct line can be drawn on the spatula by hand. - 第七步:
过滤牛奶蛋黄液 filter milk - 第八步:
将过滤完成的香草牛奶蛋液放入冰水中快速降温后,放进冰箱3-4小时。 Put the filtered vanilla milk into ice water to cool down quickly, and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. - 第九步:
400cc鲜奶油及40g砂糖倒入碗中,碗底下要垫冰水。 Pour 400cc of fresh cream and 40g of sugar into a bowl with ice water under the bowl. - 第十步:
用手持电动搅拌机将奶油打发倒举起搅拌器时,奶油会呈现立体三角的状态。 Whip the cream with an electric mixer until it forms a three-dimensional triangle when the mixer is lifted. - 第十一步:
取出冰箱中的香草牛奶蛋液,将打发的鲜奶油分4-5次加入,每一次都要充分混合。 Take out the vanilla milk egg mixture and add the whipped cream in 4-5 batches, mixing well each time. - 第十二步:
混合完成,用保鲜膜封住碗口,冷冻3小时。 When done mixing, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and freeze for 3 hours. - 第十三步:
3小时后,用打蛋器混合已结冻跟未结冻的冰淇淋液。 之后再冷冻3小时。 After 3 hours, mix the frozen and unfrozen ice cream with a whisk. Freeze for another 3 hours after that. - 第十四步:
3小时后,再次用打蛋器混合已结冻跟未结冻的冰淇淋液。 After 3 hours, mix the frozen and unfrozen ice cream with a whisk again. - 第十五步:
将搅打好的香草冰淇淋倒入玻璃盒中,冷冻7小时以上,就可以吃了。 Pour the whipped vanilla ice cream into a glass case, freeze for at least 7 hours, and serve.
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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