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- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
65g无盐奶油放入装有热水的碗中,隔水加热至融化。 Put 65g of unsalted butter in a bowl with hot water and heat until melted. - 第二步:
200g消化饼干用擀面棍压成粉末状后倒入碗中。 200g digestive biscuits are pressed into powder with a rolling pin and poured into a bowl. - 第三步:
混合已经融化的无盐奶油及消化饼干屑 Mix melted unsalted butter and digestive cookie crumbs - 第四步:
混合好的饼干屑倒入8吋派盘,用压皮器或汤匙压平后,放入冰箱 Pour the mixed cookie crumbs into an 8-inch pie pan, flatten with a peeler or spoon, and place in the refrigerator - 第五步:
1.5个蛋黄和40g砂糖,用搅拌器打发至微微发白的浓稠状 1.5 egg yolks and 40g sugar, beat with a mixer until slightly pale and thick - 第六步:
加入70cc的动物性鲜奶油后,搅拌均匀 After adding 70cc of heavy cream, stir well - 第七步:
吉利丁片4片(约10g-11g)泡冰水备用 4 pieces of gelatin (about 10g-11g) soaked in ice water for later use - 第八步:
蛋黄液隔水加热至温度升高至70度-75度 Heat the egg yolk liquid in water until the temperature rises to 70-75 degrees - 第九步:
加入1/2茶匙(2.5cc)香草精及吉利丁片,吉利丁溶化后,将蛋黄液移出热水中 Add 1/2 teaspoon (2.5cc) vanilla extract and gelatin tablets, after the gelatin melts, remove from hot water - 第十步:
马斯卡邦起司,用刮刀压拌至无颗粒状 Mascarpone cheese, press with a spatula until grain-free - 第十一步:
分次将蛋黄液与马斯卡邦起司混合,每一次混合都要充分搅拌。 Gradually combine egg yolks and mascarpone, beating well each time. - 第十二步:
打发130cc动物性鲜奶油 Whipped 130cc heavy cream - 第十三步:
分次将打发的鲜奶油与起司糊拌匀 Gradually mix the whipped cream and cheese batter - 第十四步:
之后加入10cc柠檬汁拌匀 Then add 10cc lemon juice and mix well - 第十五步:
1.5个蛋白分次加入60g细砂糖,打至湿性发泡 Add 60g caster sugar to 1.5 egg whites, beat until foamy - 第十六步:
分次将蛋白霜与起司糊拌匀 Gradually mix the meringue and cheese batter - 第十七步:
将起司糊冷藏0.5小时-1小时 Refrigerate the cheese batter for 0.5-1 hour - 第十八步:
将起司糊倒入派模中,用刮刀抹成圆弧状。 Pour the cheese batter into the pie tin and use a spatula to form into a circular arc. - 第十九步:
在起司上筛上一层薄薄的饼干屑 Sift a thin layer of cookie crumbs over the cheese
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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