烤薯条Baked chips
金灿灿香喷喷的烤薯条,绝对是派对健康之选! How gorgeous it looks! This party dish is well remembered long after the guests have disappeared.
2458 阅读
11 点赞
- 准备:30分钟
- 加工:20分钟
- 额外:1 小时 10 分钟
- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
马铃薯洗净沥干水分; Clean and drain potatoes. - 第二步:
准备把所有腌料切嫩; Cut the rest ingredients into really fine pieces. - 第三步:
马铃薯切条; Cut the potatoes into long stripes each and toss in the olive oil. - 第四步:
放进腌料; Combine the chopped green onion and rosemary and garlic, salt with sliced potatoes. - 第五步:
用手拌匀; Mix all with hand. - 第六步:
置于放好了牛油纸的烤盘上; Transfer to a baking tray lined with cooking paper. - 第七步:
200度烤30-40分钟或至金黄; Bake for 30-40 mins or till golden. - 第八步:
试一试味道。 It's well done! - 第九步:
食用之时伴以咖啡,极致之选! Perfectly match with a cup of latte.
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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