无敌好吃的牛肉面! 步骤视频在这里!简单易懂!
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- 准备:30分钟
- 加工:20分钟
- 额外:1 小时 10 分钟
- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
备好所有食材: 牛肋条切成适口大小。红萝卜削皮后切成适口大小, 洋葱切丁,青葱切段,蒜头, 红辣椒切碎. Prepare all the ingredients: Beef cut into bite size, carrot also cut into bite size. Chop - 第二步:
热锅 (闷烧锅或普通汤锅)加入芝麻油,摆进牛肉,用中大火将表面略煎焦黄,锁住肉汁. In a pot (Pressure cooker or regular soup pot), add sesame oil and beef, and pan fried the beef till brown. - 第三步:
加进洋葱丁, 蒜头, 青葱, 姜丝(姜片), 拌炒至飘出香气。 Now add Onion, garlic, green onion, and ginger, and pen fried for a few mins. - 第四步:
加入米酒, 酱油, 糖、辣豆瓣酱和水. 搅拌煮开. Add cooking wine, sugar, hot pepper paste and water, mix and bring to boil. - 第五步:
将八角, 甘草, 红辣椒,放入滷袋里(汤煮好后较好取出), 放进锅里. Put the anise and the licorice in to a tea bag (so it’s easier to retrieve after the soup is done), put into pot. - 第六步:
盖上盖子炖煮: (闷烧锅:炖煮30分钟) (普通锅:炖煮1小时) Close the lid and shimmer: (Pressure cooker: 30 mins) (Soup pot: 1 hour) - 第七步:
步骤6后, 加入红萝卜, 再多闷烧15~20分钟. (完成后取出滷包) After step 6, add the carrot, then shimmer for another 15~20 mins. - 第八步:
步骤7在煮时, 可起锅煮面. Boil your noodle during step 7. - 第九步:
完成啰! 请享受你的牛肉面! 喜欢的话请帮我按个讚! 下餐见! Finished! Enjoy your beef noodle! See you next meal!
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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