萝卜糕 Turnip Cake
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- 准备:30分钟
- 加工:20分钟
- 额外:1 小时 10 分钟
- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
萝卜刨或切丝。冬菇,木耳,红萝卜切小丁。 Turnip shredded or cut in small stripe. Mushrooms, Wood Ears, Carrots cut in dice. - 第二步:
先用半杯油炒熟冬菇,木耳,红萝卜。备用。 heat up 1/2 cup of Oil to stir fry Mushrooms, Wood Ears, Carrots until softened. - 第三步:
其余油炒輭熟白萝卜,加4~5杯水盖过白萝卜,煮3~5分钟至透明。加入盐、糖、白胡椒粉,拌匀。 - 第四步:
heat up 1.5 cup oil,stirring Turnip stripe with 4~cups of water until softened and transparent, let it cook 3~5 min, Add Salt,Sugar and White Pepper. - 第五步:
用一个大型器皿,一层白萝卜连水,洒一层粉,一层炒料混合,重复直至所有粉及白萝卜连水变成糊状。 - 第六步:
a big mix bowl, lay a cup of cooked Turnip,1/4 of cooked ingredients and 1/4 bag of flour, mix it, repeat the same step until ingredients mix well. - 第七步:
糕糊倒入蒸糕盘。 pour the mix in square bake pan, spread evenly, make sure no stick out Turnip. - 第八步:
大火水滚后、蒸60分钟。中途不能打开,以免走气中间难熟。每隔,20分钟加热水,以防水干。 - 第九步:
pan on top of heated hot water with rack, cover and steam at least 60 min, add hot water (DO NOT OPEN cover) every 20 min, in case water boil out. - 第十步:
用筷子插入糕心,没有粉䊢附着,表示糕已成。 after 60 minutes steam, stick test at center of cake to make sure it cooked through. - 第十一步:
糕放凉至少四小时,切半吋厚。用油煎香两面。 Cool about 4 hours or refrigerator over night. Then cut in 1/2" x 2" thickness and pan fired with oil until both side brown. - 第十二步:
可沾辣酱、𧐢油。慢用。 serving with hot sauce or oyster sauce or any salty sauce you like.
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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