从不喜欢市售超甜的手指饼,于是改用低糖海绵蛋糕,也不使用生蛋黄。吃过的人都幸福得犹如登上了仙境! One of my son's favourite cakes with homemade spongy cake and zero egg yolk, however added strong coffee delighted him so much! Mom, pick me up!
1026 阅读
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- 准备:30分钟
- 加工:20分钟
- 额外:1 小时 10 分钟
- 总时:2 小时
- 份量:5
- 产出:1(5 份)
- 营养信息
- 第一步:
製作浓缩咖啡备用;Brew espresso coffee from the espresso machine. - 第二步:
浓缩咖啡冷却后加入莱姆酒;Let cool then mix with rum. - 第三步:
鱼胶粉坐水以少许热水开稀;Melt gelatine with some hot water by bathing on hot water. - 第四步:
取出已烤好的海绵蛋糕;Take the spongy cake out from cooling rack. - 第五步:
根据玻璃容器的大小切好蛋糕,先铺上一层蛋糕片;Cut according to the glass container size, place 1 piece of cake onto the container. - 第六步:
给每片蛋糕片平均淋上咖啡液;Wet each cake piece with enough coffee liquid. - 第七步:
正宗的做法必须用完全部咖啡液,蛋糕要完全湿透;All coffee liquid must be used up to give enough moisture. - 第八步:
于一大盆加入义大利软芝士和鲜奶油,以及白砂糖;In a large container add mascarpone, cream and sugar. - 第九步:
以慢速轻轻打发;Whisk at low speed. - 第十步:
待稍微转固体状态就停下;Just need to mix and combine, do NOT whisk too much. - 第十一步:
加入温热的鱼胶液继续打匀;Add warm gelatine liquid and whisk for few seconds, simply make sure they are well combined. - 第十二步:
打发到6分程度就可以了,不可硬,否则铺上去难掌握;This is how it should look like. - 第十三步:
于其中一盘,把1/4芝士混合物铺在第一片淋了咖啡液的蛋糕上;Spread 1/4 of the mixture onto the first piece of cake in one container. - 第十四步:
盖上第二片蛋糕片;Cover with the second piece of cake. - 第十五步:
把剩余1/2芝士混合物铺在第二片淋了咖啡液的蛋糕上;Spread smoothly the remaining half of the mixture on top. - 第十六步:
刮平芝士混合物并洒上可可粉;Sprinkle some cocoa powder on the mixture surface from height. - 第十七步:
冷藏过夜;Chill overnight. - 第十八步:
提神醒脑! Yummy!
每份参考值:157 卡路里;蛋白质 11.8g;碳水化合物 19.1g;脂肪3.3g;胆固醇 89.1mg;钠261.3mg。
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